Just like your computer or smartphone regular updates of software on your Fishfinder will improve performance and compatibility with other products, so it’s a good idea to check yours is up to date, if you have blank SD card handy- a software update is something you can do from home.😃
Below we’ve compiled a list of our favourite brands along with “how to vids” and the links where you can find the latest updates.
LOWRANCE how to 📺 https://youtu.be/sbYaW0H5phc LOWRANCE download 💾 SIMRAD how to📺 https://www.simrad-yachting.com/help--sup…/Software-Upgrade/ SIMRAD download💾 https://www.simrad-yachting.com/help--sup…/Software-Upgrade/ GARMIN how to📺 https://youtu.be/h4C2h3KjoQw GARMIN download💾 https://www8.garmin.com/support/software/marine.html FURUNO how to📺 https://youtu.be/vfLo63qQJ9k FURUNO download💾 https://www.furuno.com/en/support/uploader/ #handytipsforboatloversonlockdown

If you're looking to upgrade your Fishfinder / Chartplotter talk to Mark who has a wealth of knowledge and experience with the all the leading brands of Marine Electronics, he'll be happy to discuss which options will best suit your boat.
